

Introducing the Alva Musa Firefly Coffee Set - Your Ideal 3D Interior Decor Accessory

Looking to jazz up your interior space with a touch of elegance and sophistication? Look no further than the Alva Musa Firefly Coffee Set, a stunning 3D model that will take your interior design to the next level. This exquisite set comes in a 2017 version and is designed to enhance your living space with its modern aesthetic.

Key Features of the Alva Musa Firefly Coffee Set

Here are some essential details about this remarkable **3D model**:

  • Units: Millimeters
  • Dimensions: 1526.31 x 1322.83 x 1017.97
  • Polys: 262 556
  • Verts: 135 398
  • Model Parts: 4
  • Render: Corona
  • Formats: 3Ds Max 2017, OBJ, FBX

Enhance Your 3D Interior Design with Alva Musa Firefly Coffee Set

Transform your living space with the Alva Musa Firefly Coffee Set and elevate your **3D interior decor** game. Whether you are a fan of **3D design** or simply looking to add a touch of glamour to your home, this exquisite set is perfect for **3D room design** enthusiasts. With its sleek lines and contemporary design, the Alva Musa Firefly Coffee Set is a must-have for anyone passionate about **3ds**, **3ds max**, or **3d home design**.





