In the realm of modern interior design, implementing 3d design elements has become increasingly popular. The Sleek Leather 2018 Chaise Sectional is a prime example of how 3d interior decor can elevate the ambiance of your living space.
Name: sofa_leather
Version: 2018
Preview: No
Units: Millimeters
Dimension: 2912.36 x 2276.69 x 866.16
Polys: 140 915
XForm: Yes
Box Trick: Yes
Model Parts: 3
Render: Corona
Formats: 3Ds Max 2018, OBJ, FBX
If you're looking to enhance your 3d room design, this 3d model of the Sleek Leather 2018 Chaise Sectional is at your disposal. Available for download on platforms like 3dsky, it provides a high-quality 3d interior representation, perfect for your 3d home design projects.