Name: Lamptron BERGEN
Version: 2013
Preview: No
Units: Centimeters
- A Ø 9 × 49 cm
- B Ø 9 × 53 cm
- C Ø 9 × 55 cm
Polys: 23,728
Verts: 23,476
XForm: Yes
Render: V-Ray 5
Platform: V-ray, Corona
Formats: 3Ds Max 2013, OBJ
Link: View the Lamptron BERGEN Design Lamps Model
Delve into the world of 3D design and interior decor with the Lamptron BERGEN 3D model. Perfect for your 3D room design and home decor projects, this model offers intricate details and precise dimensions suitable for 3Ds Max users and the *3dsky* community. Download this high-quality *3d model* to elevate your 3D interior designs effortlessly.