

Discover the Modern LED Wall Light Fixture 3D Model for Interior Design Projects

Unleash the full potential of your interior decor with the Настенный светодиодный светильник Action Lampatron. Designed to elevate any space, this stunning fixture is available in two elegant colors to suit your style preferences.

Effortless Integration into Your 3D Interior Design

Enhance your 3D interior design projects with the captivating 3D model of the Modern LED Wall Light Fixture. With dimensions of 30 × 100 × 5 cm, this fixture offers a perfect blend of form and function, making it a must-have element for your 3d room design or 3d interior decor concepts.

Access the Latest 3D Models for your 3DS Max Projects

Explore infinite possibilities for your 3D home design endeavours with the Lampatron Action series. Elevate your creative vision with the superior quality of 3DS Max models available for download, and transform your space into a work of art.





