
Discover the Vintage Oak Parquet - MultiTexture 3D Model for Interior Design

Introducing the Vintage Oak Parquet - MultiTexture 3D model, a versatile and realistic option for your interior design projects. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this floor geometry model is designed to elevate the aesthetic appeal of any space.

Enhance Your 3D Room Design with V-ray MultiTexture Material

Experience the next level of visual sophistication with the Vintage Oak Parquet - MultiTexture 3D model, featuring a range of -18 + 18 + 18 floorboard maps including color, bump, displacement, and additional maps. Transform your 3D interior decor with stunning textures and details that bring your vision to life.

Seamless Integration with MultiTexture and Berconmaps Plugin

To unlock the full potential of the Vintage Oak Parquet - MultiTexture 3D model, the MultiTexture and Berconmaps plugins are required. With these essential tools, you can seamlessly incorporate this intricately designed 3D model into your 3ds max projects, enriching your 3D interior design with unparalleled elegance.

Access the resource link provided to download this exceptional 3D model and take your 3D room design to new heights.





